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Air Fryer Mexican Pizza

Air Fryer Mexican Pizza

  • Author: Alyssa
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings


Whip up a tasty Air Fryer Mexican Pizza tonight! It’s the perfect blend of taco flavors and pizza fun, all ready in just 20 minutes. Dive into the recipe and enjoy a meal that’s sure to please everyone at the table.


  • Ground Beef (1/2 lb): Provides the protein base, seasoned with taco spices.
  • Taco Seasoning (1 package): Adds the classic Mexican flavor to the beef.
  • Flour Tortillas (4): Serve as the crispy base and top layer of the pizza.
  • Oil (1-2 tablespoons): Used for brushing the tortillas to achieve crispiness.
  • Refried Beans (15 ounces): A flavorful and creamy layer between the tortillas.
  • Salsa (1/4 cup): Adds a juicy, spicy element.
  • Red Enchilada Sauce (5 ounces): Enriches the pizza with a deep, tangy flavor.
  • Shredded Cheddar Jack Cheese (1 cup): Melts into a deliciously gooey topping.
  • Black Olives, Roma Tomato, Shredded Lettuce, Green Onions, Sour Cream: These are optional for garnishing and adding fresh, crunchy textures.


  1. Prepare the Taco Meat: Cook the ground beef in a skillet, add taco seasoning, and cook until browned.
  2. Crisp the Tortillas: Brush each tortilla with oil and air fry at 370°F for about 2 minutes each side until they are crispy.
  3. Assemble the Pizza: On one tortilla, spread a layer of refried beans, followed by the taco meat and a spoonful of salsa. Place another tortilla on top and spread enchilada sauce over it, followed by cheese and optional toppings like olives and tomatoes.
  4. Cook the Pizza: Place the assembled pizza back in the air fryer and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes at 370°F until the cheese is melted.
  5. Garnish and Serve: Add fresh toppings like lettuce, green onions, and sour cream. Slice and serve warm.


  • Cheese Selection: Using a mix of cheeses such as Cheddar Jack can enhance the flavor profile of the pizza.
  • Crispiness: For extra crispiness, consider air frying the tortillas a bit longer before assembling the pizzas.
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: Mexican-American